The company daycare center

Family-friendly added value for parents

The company daycare center

Added value for parents

Together we will convince your employer!

Company daycare centers offer parents and companies many advantages

Company childcare helps working parents to reconcile work and family life. We support you in convincing your employer to set up a company daycare center! Our arguments speak for themselves: with friends of education, your employer has no expense in setting up and running the daycare center, no investment is necessary and increases its popularity on the job market because a company daycare center is a real added value. Being able to choose your childcare location from a network of daycare centers in many districts saves you as parents time – and this time brings valuable productivity to your employer! Talk to him about our offer – we do the convincing work with decision-makers.

No daycare place search
Short distances & more time
500 € more / month
CO2 reduction
Young Girl Practicing Playing Tennis

What the company daycare center offers

Safe daycare place. Lower costs. More time.

There are many reasons why your employer should provide its employees’ parents with a company daycare center. Both parties benefit greatly:

  • Family-friendly offer: Family-friendly offer: Higher employee satisfaction & loyalty because it is easier to reconcile work and family life.
  • Higher productivity & sustainability: Optimal routes to the daycare center save employee parents a lot of time, increase productivity and can consume less CO2.
  • More money in the family budget: Switching from an expensive daycare center to company childcare saves money.
  • More net from the gross: Your employer can grant attractive financial benefits through the company daycare center.
  • No searching: Employee parents don’t have to go on the arduous search for a daycare place. This increases employer attractiveness on the labor market.

We take all the work off your employer’s hands. He does not have to worry about setting up, financing or running his company daycare center. Tell us the right contact person at your employer or speak to them directly about our offer. The next step is to do the convincing. Tell your colleagues who are looking for a daycare place!

Young Girl Practicing Playing Tennis

What the company daycare center offers

Safe daycare place. Lower costs. More time.

There are many reasons why your employer should provide its employees with their own company daycare center. Because both parties benefit greatly:

  • Family-friendly offer: Higher employee satisfaction & loyalty because it is easier to combine work and family life.
  • Time saving & sustainability: As there are no detours to the daycare center, employee parents save a lot of time and can consume less CO2.
  • 500 € savings: Parents can save at least € 500 per child per month. Save €500 because a public daycare center is much more expensive! This leaves more in the family coffers.
  • More net from the gross: Your employer can grant attractive financial benefits through the company daycare center.
  • No searching: Employee parents don’t have to go on the arduous search for a daycare place. This increases employer attractiveness on the labor market.

We take all the work off your employer’s hands. He does not have to worry about setting up and running his daycare center. Talk to him about it or leave it to us.

This is how we convince your employer!

Should we get in touch?

We would be happy to convince your employer to have its own company daycare center for its employees’ children. Support us and we will take care of the rest.

Are you taking the initiative?

Would you like to get your employer excited about your own company daycare center? Give him this initial information in PDF format.

For whom is this offer also interesting?

Spread the word!

Your colleagues

Anyone looking for a daycare place

Parents willing to change

All those who are not satisfied with their daycare place & want to change

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