Find your KiTa job
With friends of education
We are looking for you
Great jobs for all professions around the KiTa

You love to work with children and want to take care of little people in an exceptional KiTa in Munich or Berlin? Then you are exactly right with us! We offer:
- Jobs for educators
- Jobs for childcare educators
- Jobs for social pedagogues
- Jobs for childcare workers
- Jobs for childminder
- Jobs for childcare workers
- Jobs for Native Speakers
- In-service training
Your chance:
Apply now!
Your job – your advantages –
Your future
Great place to work
Very good salary
Permanent position
Attractive bonus
Continuing education and training
KiTa job with the friends of education claim?Because you are the center of attention here!
You want to work in perhaps one of the nicest KiTas in the city, have a secure job and work in a good environment? We offer you a salary above your current salary level, an attractive bonus, a permanent position and monthly expert advice. As an employee at one of our KiTas in Munich or Berlin, you will also benefit from internal and external training opportunities that will really help you get ahead. You can fully concentrate on the development, promotion, nutrition and care of the children; we take care of everything else. Convinced? – Then apply now at one of our KiTas in Munich and Berlin!

KiTa Job with the
friends of education claim?
Because here, you are at
the center of attention!
friends of education claim?
the center of attention!
You want to work in perhaps one of the nicest KiTas in the city, have a secure job and work in a good environment? We offer you a salary above your current salary level, an attractive bonus, a permanent position and monthly expert advice. As an employee at one of our KiTas in Munich, you will also benefit from internal and external training opportunities that will really help you get ahead. You can fully concentrate on the development, promotion, nutrition and care of the children; we take care of everything else. Convinced? – Then apply now at one of our KiTas in Munich!

Submit your application
This is how it works!
You can apply to us in several ways. What is your favorite?
Search our job ads for the right KiTa job in Munich or Berlin. Send us your detailed application online. Of course, you can also send us an unsolicited application if you do not yet know exactly what you would like to do.
Submit your
This is how it works!
You can apply to us in several ways. What is your favorite?
Search our job ads for the right KiTa job in Munich or Berlin. Send us your detailed application online. Of course, you can also send us an unsolicited application if you do not yet know exactly what you would like to do.