The company daycare center

Lots of added value for employers and a very profitable investment

The company daycare center

Added value for employers!

We realize company childcare

Benefits for your company and your employees

Company childcare is sustainable and an investment with a return, which currently even receives state funding. It binds service providers for at least the entire duration of the daycare center (5 years). Employer childcare facilities increase employee satisfaction and attractiveness on the job market. Our service: We take on all tasks relating to your company daycare center and continuously optimize pedagogical quality.

Higher productivity
High employee retention
More attractive on the labor market
Subsidies from the federal government
Kind in Betriebskita

We build your company daycare center

Family friendly. Professionally managed. State subsidized.

All daycare centers that we design, build and operate on behalf of companies have the following features:

  • High quality of care because, among other things, we offer a childcare ratio of 1:5, compared to > 1:10 in many other daycare centers.
  • We have created the lowest barriers to entry. This is because employers do not have to make an investment and have no quota obligation.
  • Employers can implement company childcare on an EBIT-neutral basis: We will be happy to advise you.
  • As an employer, you have KiTa places immediately available. A great advantage for your employees, who often search for a long time and sometimes unsuccessfully or are forced to pay a lot of money for a daycare place.
  • We currently offer the most attractive solution for company childcare on the market. Find out more now!

With little kids education, you can offer your employees a very attractive solution for company childcare on the market. Find out more now!

We build your company daycare center

Family friendly. Professionally managed. State subsidized.

All daycare centers that we design, build and operate on behalf of companies have the following features:

  • High quality of care because we offer a care ratio of 1:5. Versus > 1:10 in municipal daycare centers.
  • We ensure the lowest possible barriers to entry. This is because employers do not have to make an investment and have no quota obligation.
  • The EBIT-neutral implementation can take place because we first start the childcare for you and then hire the pedagogical staff.
  • As an employer, you have KiTa places immediately available. A great advantage for your employees, who otherwise often search for months without success.

With little kids education, you can offer your employees a very attractive solution for company childcare on the market. Find out more now!

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