Find your KiTa job

With friends of education

Discover KiTa jobs in Munich and Berlin

Jobs for educators, childcare workers, pedagogues (m|w|d)

Get to know the KiTas of friends of education

Working in our facilities means fun, games and good development opportunities

Get to know the KiTas from friend of education

Working in our facilities means fun, games and good prospects

With us you have the choice for KiTa jobs in Munich or Berlin, where we operate several KiTas in different parts of the city. We attach particular importance to ensuring that everyone feels at home with us – employees, children and their parents. We offer children security, safety, trust and individual development opportunities. We offer our pedagogical staff the right to have a say in team selection, an above-average staffing ratio, transparency through locations with a maximum number of staff. 12 children (in Munich) and 28 to 90 children (in Berlin). In addition, our framework conditions allow us to focus on pedagogy and earn more net from gross than our previous employer. Our KiTas are flooded with light and life. The rooms are bright, friendly, lovingly designed and modernly furnished. Because exercise is just as important as respectful interaction with one another, we have made sure that playgrounds are always within walking distance of our locations. Get to know our daycare centers in Berlin and Munich and find your new workplace!

Our KiTas in Munich


tolle kita jobs in münchen

The highlights:

Centrally located, very modern on 110 sqm even with underfloor heating, close to the English Garden.

For children from 1 to approx. 3 years.

Nymphenburger Straße, Nymphenburg

The highlights:

Close to Rotkreuzplatz, cozy, large play area directly in front of the house.

For children from 1 to approx. 3 years.

Westermühlstraße, Glockenbachviertel

The highlights:

Lots of space (140 sqm), newly developed playground on the Isar, within walking distance.

For children from the age of 3 until they start school.

Our KiTas in Berlin

Villa Papillon, Dahlem
tolle kita jobs in münchen

The highlights:

In a Wilhelminian-style villa, 2,700 square meters of garden, with its own chef, children’s restaurant and nest area for the little ones.

For children from 1 to 6 years.

Papillon Rouge, Halensee

The highlights:

Near Kurfürstendamm, 280 square meters of indoor space, large “Indian Bones” playground, crèche and kindergarten group.

For children from 1 to 6 years.

Working in the KiTA

Your claim – your benefits – your working life

We promote your talent

Your claim – your benefits – your working life

At friends of education, you will find people who generate ideas and design new educational concepts. Friends of education is a group of friends who are united by their high standards in shaping children’s education from the ages of 1 to 12. We think the KiTa system further. Through your ideas and their further development in our circle of friends, we improve educational concepts and projects together. We create new daycare centers that implement the ideas of friends of education. And we offer you attractive jobs in the new KiTas. This is how “KiTa weitergedacht” becomes “KiTa neu gemacht”! That is our wish, our mission – and the founding idea of friends of education. We invite you to help shape it. Welcome and good luck!

We support you

Professional – meaningful – educator-oriented

We support you

Professional – meaningful – educator-oriented

We promote your talent, offer you a professional environment and a meaningful world of values. The salary is right too, of course! We support you in your professional development so that you can develop your skills to the full. Educator-oriented design plays a major role for us. Specialist educational staff have a large say and can play a decisive role in shaping everyday life with the children. Together, we ensure that not only the little people are in good hands, but also that the educators – as different as they may be – are doing particularly well. If you identify with your work, feel valued and enjoy your job in the KiTa, you will be able to work professionally and be a good role model for children, the team and parents. – With heart and mind.

Your talent
Your environment
Your values
Your chance

Looking for your favorite job at a daycare center?

Become an educator, childcare worker or teacher in a special daycare center!

Do you want to work in a lovingly run daycare center in Munich or Berlin and – like us – attach particular importance to a good atmosphere, mutual appreciation and genuine participation? Then apply for a job advertisement with us now. We not only offer you a nice and secure job and great training opportunities, but also an above-average salary that is higher than what you currently earn.

We offer KiTa jobs in Munich and Berlin:

– Jobs for educators
– Jobs for childcare workers
– Jobs for educators
– More KiTa jobs

Get in touch with us now to find out more. We would like to introduce you to our KiTas in Munich and our KiTas in Berlin. Find out about your options. Our teams and our children are also looking forward to seeing you!