Your daycare center in the neighborhood

Your daycare center in the neighborhood

Company childcare close to home

Advantages for working parents and companies in Berlin

There is a shortage of daycare places in Berlin. We are convinced that close-to-home company childcare for children aged 1 to 12 years provides optimal relief for employee parents and the best possible support for children. We want to offer the ideal location for every specific family situation. That is why we are creating a network of daycare and after-school care centers.

As a parent, are you interested in a place in one of our future daycare centers (ages 1-6) and/or after-school care (ages 7-12)? We look forward to hearing from you. Would you like your childcare to take place in exactly the right place for your specific family situation? Please help us with your commercial real estate knowledge. Thanks to your market knowledge and your contacts in the Berlin real estate world, we would like to learn about daycare center locations available for rent or purchase as early as possible. If networking works, we benefit together!

No childcare place search

Short parental leave

Relief for families

Financial & temporal

Subsidies from the federal government

Until 2022

Higher productivity

Satisfied employees

Accelerate the development of a daycare center in your neighborhood

Please use your real estate network

friends of education serves as a platform for networking employee parents of Berlin real estate companies. The better the network works, the faster and more likely it is that a daycare center and after-school care will be available in your neighborhood. Your employer benefits twice: (1) from your increased productivity, relieved by daycare and after-school care with short distances in the residential neighborhood and (2) from the long-term reliable rental / sale of commercial real estate (300 to 700 sqm) with outdoor space (>500 sqm) in Berlin.

We have two requests for you:

  • You know of a commercial property with outdoor space that can be rented/purchased by 2024 and is suitable for use as a daycare center/after-school care center
  • You contact commercial real estate experts from your network. Please send me documents so that I can involve my contacts in the location search.

We are looking for commercial real estate for daycare centers

We are looking for commercial real estate for daycare centers

Are you looking for a daycare place?

We realize company childcare close to home

Are you looking for a kindergarten place in Berlin? – We’ve got him! And a special one at that. Because all our daycare centers are run bilingually and follow a concept that provides the best possible support for children from an early age. Our locations are spread across several districts and organized as a network. This means you can bring your child to daycare close to your place of work or home – with your preferred daycare team. All our locations have something in common: in addition to our well-thought-out educational concept, all our kindergartens have innovative equipment, bright rooms, modern facilities (both structurally and technically) and an exceptional design, lovingly created by a team of kindergarten interior designers. The quality of our food ingredients is “organic”. Public green spaces and playgrounds are also easy to reach from anywhere. Take a look at the current locations and submit your space request!

Family friendly
Climate friendly
No investment necessary

We build daycare centers for employee parents

Gewerbeimmobilie gesucht für Kita

Looking for properties suitable for daycare centers to buy or rent!

We offer childcare close to home based on the most attractive concept currently available on the market. To this end, we are looking for commercial properties in which we can implement company childcare. Is your employer currently planning or has a commercial property on the first floor with approx. 300 – 700 sqm of interior space and approx. twice as much exclusively rentable exterior space? We would like to rent or buy it long-term if it suits us! As we are building up a Germany-wide daycare network with many locations, our need for new properties in which we can provide the new daycare places for company childcare is increasing.

We as operators offer:

  • Rental period of at least 15 years – longer if desired
  • Lowest probability of rent loss in the long term
  • Highest credit rating of the operating company
  • High satisfaction for your employee parents

Thinking daycare further!